Monday, February 16, 2009


January 8, 2008

In my opinion, the greatest tech invention of my generation (aside from the internet, of course...and cell phones) is caller ID. As someone who is not particularly fond of talking on the phone, I really appreciate knowing who it is before I answer. If it's important or if I'm feeling chatty, I'll take the call and shoot the shit for a few minutes. If I'm busy or just not in the mood, it'll go to voice mail and we'll take it from there. Thankfully, email allows me to take care of business, catch up with old friends, make plans with new ones, and avoid the whole telephone mess altogether. I love it. I encourage all of you to send me an email if we haven't chatted in a while. I'd love to hear what you're up to.

But the whole text messaging thing? Honestly, I'm not that into it. Of course there are exceptions and there are times when it makes sense. I even feel a little excited when my phone beeps at me to tell me I've received a new text. But, for the most part, I think it's email's passive aggressive cousin and I can't fully embrace the trend.

In the first place, it takes me a long time to type with my thumbs and I feel pressed for time, like the sender is staring at his/her phone awaiting my response (which, I realize, is totally not the case...but that's how it feels). Secondly, it takes so much longer to iron out details than just a simple phone call (wanna have lunch? good. where? what time? OR i'm on my way to your mom's house. see you in a little bit). Third, the acronyms and abbreviations drive me a little nuts, especially LOL. I fucking Hate LOL. And fourth, it costs me 10 cents to both send and receive a text.

I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be sad if no one texted me ever again. I like getting text messages. Just like I like getting (non work, non spam) emails. I'm just saying that I'm not ready to fully go there yet. Plus, I'm scared that you're going to crash into me and my kids while you LOL back to your friend while driving. Maybe you can just chuckle quietly to yourself instead and save us the 10 cents.

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