Monday, February 16, 2009

Dear Santa

November 24, 2008

1) I want to wake up in the morning on my own terms, at an hour of my choosing.
2) I want to feel driven and passionate about my occupation.
3) I want to figure out what that occupation will be.
4) I want to travel to Australia, Cuba, Spain, California, Brazil, Italy, New that order.
5) I want a neighborhood park and a neighborhood coffee shop, both within walking distance.
6) I want some new earrings.
7) I want a new tattoo.
8) I want my kids to feel Cuban.
9) I want my friends to love my kids.
10) I want my family to visit me.
11) I want you to burn me your favorite playlist.
12) I want to learn to play the drums.
13) I want to kiss Eddie Vedder, for old time's sake.
14) I want to play piano with my grandmother.
15) I want something delicious.

1 comment:

  1. I love your writing because it speaks to my heart and is therefore understandable to me. Knowing some of what you want puts you ahead of most people I know.

