Monday, February 16, 2009


October 25, 2006

disclaimer: i'm overwhelmed with emotions due to hormones and circumstance so pardon the post partum rambling.

for the last two days, i've sat in my living room in an old lazy boy recliner with a baby on a (raw and enormous) breast and surrounded by my family. my mom, stepdad, sister and little brother are here until saturday, and it's moments like these that i realize why i fell in love with this house when we bought it. despite the tacky 70s wood paneling and ghetto carpet, this living room was made for family. christy reading on one couch, jose snoring on the other. andy playing on the floor with the dogs. mom pacing back and forth with a screaming baby in her arms while jeremy runs back and forth with diapers and extra blankets and socks and baby wipes. meanwhile, cell phones ring and babies cry and it feels like total chaos but it also feels more like home than ever. with the smell of my mom's cuban food drifting over from the kitchen and the sounds of univision on the tv, it's easy to forget that i'm not in miami and that soon i will be left to raise my own family with whatever words of wisdom and tricks of the trade i absorb from my mother in the few days she's here.

i'm overwhelmed and sleep deprived. my nipples are sore as hell and my hair is starting to dread from lack of maintenance. my ankles are still the size of pumpkins and i have an achy scar on the underside of my belly from where they pulled my babies out. this morning, i was ready to punch someone in the face after being up all night with fussy babies that kept up their crying til almost 2 in the afternoon. but, at the same time, i am so happy, i could cry on command. i love my family, old and new, more than anything in the world. jeremy is already an awesome daddy and so far i'm really into this whole mama thing.

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