Monday, February 16, 2009

que horror! que horror!

December 4, 2008

que horror! que horror!
Un dia paseando iba una vieja
Y una guagua de pronto la arrollo
La llevaron al Centro de Socorro
Y el Doctor Sotolongo la atendio--que horror! que horror!
Y el Doctor Sotolongo la atendio

Del buche le sacaron a la vieja
La retranca, los muelles, y el motor
La cabeza y los pies del motorista
La cabeza y los pies del conductor--que horror! que horror!
La cabeza y los pies del conductor

Caballero la cosa esta en candela
Cada dia poniendose peor
Los barrenderos no barren ya las calles
Y las cloacas despiden mal olor--que horror! que horror!
Las cloacas despiden mal olor

My grandfather sang this to my mom when she was little (early 60s Cuba), so she sang it to us, and now I sing it to my kids. I tried looking it up online to see if there are more verses that I don't remember, but I can't find it. Anyone else know this song (and who wrote it)?

1 comment:

  1. i would be interested to know more history of that song, ayleen, is it political commentary? if so, of what? maybe im reading it wrong but it's kind of macabre, is it? an old women getting run over by a bus etc...

    i didnt know you had a blog---a very exciting find. ;-)
